speaking & Keynotes

Simplify Your Leadership

Leading from a place of purpose, courage, and connection

Being a leader has almost never been more difficult. We face overlapping challenges of increasing complexity, higher expectations, and declining resources. Our ability to manage complexity and navigate uncertainty are now essential skills for our leadership. And it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the long list of competing demands that complexity and uncertainty create. 

One way to counterbalance those challenges is to simplify your leadership, to focus on the three key areas of purpose, courage, and connections.

What would your leadership look like if you reprioritized your decisions around a clear sense of purpose, taking courageous action, and fostering authentic connections with your colleagues and team members?

In this session, participants explore what it takes to simplify their leadership, so they can have more impact and fulfillment with less effort, conflict, and drama.

Ideal Audience: Business Leaders, Educators, Entrepreneurs

Declutter Your Bullsh*t

Make room for more joy and fulfillment.

You have a seemingly endless list of commitments until it feels like there isn’t room to do the things that matter most to you. You’ve accumulated a lifetime of beliefs, ideas, and commitments, and not all of them are still viable and useful to us, or even true.

You can’t sustain them with all of the other complex challenges we are facing, and they are leaving us feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled.

Now what? How do you know which beliefs, ideas and commitments don’t serve you any more? And what do you do with them?

In this session, participants learn tools to name, own, and let go of the beliefs, ideas, and commitments that no longer serve them to make more room for joy and ful

Ideal Audience: Leaders and organizations ready for change

Ready for more impact with less effort?

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!