About me

Hey, I’m Dave Kasch!

My passion is helping leaders and teams become better leaders by becoming better versions of themselves.

the secret is to do less

How I got here

I knew from an early age that I wanted to teach. That path took me through several turns: to higher education as a student, administrator, and faculty member; to leadership roles in talent and leadership development in healthcare and tech; and finally to coaching and facilitating leadership development. The lessons I’ve learned in those roles as a leader and team member fuel my work now. 

Today, I specialize in minimalism-based leadership and team development for executives, senior leaders, and teams who are ready for more conscious leadership and team transformation. I work with leaders and teams who are ready to do the hard work of having difficult conversations, offering effective feedback, setting clear boundaries, and leaning into conflict with curiosity, courage, and compassion (for themselves and others).

Why leadership?

Leadership skills are essential life skills in the 21st century.

Growing our leadership skills grows our sense of self, our sense of purpose, our ability to take responsibility, and our contributions to those around us. It shapes our relationships with others, and it influences how we discern the gifts and opportunities in the challenges we face, and it helps us show up, dig deep, and thrive as our whole selves in the face of those challenges.

why minimalism?

I came across minimalism during a life-altering cycle of burnout and overwhelm, and it completely changed how I approached my relationships, leadership, work, and my self.

It helped me create a life of more meaning, fulfillment, and joy by learning to have and do less. The result was having more impact in my leadership and relationships with less effort.

In word, life got easier — and I want that for you!

Being a minimalistic leader won’t stop you from suffering, but it will deepen its meaning, make less overwhelming, and create a space of learning and appreciation.

you have to simplify to amplify

  • If you want rich, practical, and incisive coaching to help you lead through increasingly complex times, Dave is the one for you.

    — Celine Marquez, Genentech

  • Dave's facilitation was engaging, compassionate, and authentic—he felt like one of the team after knowing him just a short while.

    - Kristin Valerius, Sundstrom Clinic

  • Dave helped me become more strategic and proactive in how I lead.

    — Mike Lee, USC

Education &Certifications

I’m a Professional Certified Coach™ with the International Coach Federation, a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator (trained by Dr. Brené Brown), a 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™ Certified Facilitator (trained by Dr. Tim Clark), a Leadership Circle Profile™ Certified Practitioner (trained by Bob Anderson and Bill Adam), and a trained facilitator of LEGO® Serious Play® others, among others.

I earned a PhD and MA in Higher Education and Organizational Change from UCLA and an MS in College Student Personnel from Miami University.

See more about my education and certifications here.

work with me

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